Posts in 2022

  • Kitex: Unifying Open Source Practice for a High-Performance RPC Framework

    Friday, September 30, 2022 in News

    From Development to Open Source Transition Many researchers and practitioners may have just learned about CloudWeGo, so let’s first introduce the relationship between CloudWeGo and Kitex. CloudWeGo and Kitex Kitex is CloudWeGo’s first …

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  • Release v0.3.2

    Tuesday, September 20, 2022 in Hertz

    Feature [#198] feat: add the function to get the client dialer name. [#251] feat: add a startup log to display the name of the loaded network library. Refactor [#238] refactor: refactor the client logic initialize for HostClient and TLSHostClient. …

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  • China's first RPC framework based on Rust language - Volo is officially open source!

    Tuesday, August 30, 2022 in News

    Volo is a lightweight, high-performance, scalable, and user-friendly Rust RPC framework developed by the ByteDance service framework team. It leverages the latest GAT and TAIT features of Rust to deliver exceptional performance and efficiency. Within …

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  • Release v0.3.0

    Monday, August 29, 2022 in Hertz

    Feature [#182] feat: add service registration & service discovery & load balancing. [#6] feat: add zookeeper register. [#7] feat: add nacos registry. [#8] feat: Support Hertz to use Consul for service discovery and registration. [#9] feat: …

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  • Release v0.4.0

    Friday, August 26, 2022 in Kitex

    Introduction to Key Changes Feature Retry enhancement: Support user-defined result retry; Support request-level configuration (priority is higher than Neptune). See retry guide for details Frugal (Thrift): Support default value of IDL; No codec code …

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  • Release v0.2.0

    Friday, July 22, 2022 in Hertz

    Feature [#124] feat: add option to remove hijackConnPool. [#116] feat: update for template. [#130] feat: add a warning log for invalid character in Cookie.Value. [#143] feat: custom signal to graceful shutdown [#114] feat: release buffer in standard …

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  • Hertz, an Ultra Large Scale Enterprise-Level Microservice HTTP Framework, is Now Officially Open Source!

    Tuesday, June 21, 2022 in News

    Today, after more than a year of internal use and iteration at ByteDance, Hertz, a high-performance enterprise-level HTTP framework, is officially open-sourced on CloudWeGo! Hertz has become the largest HTTP framework within ByteDance, with more than …

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  • Release v0.1.0

    Monday, June 20, 2022 in Hertz

    Feature [#31] feat: close connection after responding to the short-connection request. [#44] feat: add the VisitAllCustomHeader method. [#59] feat: support windows. [#70] feat: add code generator hz. [#64] feat: add adaptor for Hertz Request & …

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  • Release v0.3.2

    Thursday, June 02, 2022 in Kitex

    Feature [#473] feat(grpc): support short connection for gRPC unary. [#431] feat(limiter): extend outside limiter implementation and fix problems of rate limiter of multiplexed server. Optimize [#465] optimize(ttheader): set remote address for …

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  • Release v0.3.0

    Friday, April 29, 2022 in Kitex

    Feature [#366, #426 ] feat(client): support warming-up for kitex client [#395 ] feat(mux): support gracefully shutdown in connection multiplexing [#399 ] feat(protobuf): add fastpb protocol API and support it in the pkg/remote/codec module Optimise …

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