Unit Test
A good project can’t be built without unit tests. To help users build good projects, hertz of course provides unit testing tools.
The principle is similar to that of golang httptest, both of them just execute ServeHTTP
without going through the network and return the response after execution.
import (
func TestPerformRequest(t *testing.T) {
router := route.NewEngine(config.NewOptions([]config.Option{}))
router.GET("/hey/:user", func(ctx context.Context, c *app.RequestContext) {
user := c.Param("user")
assert.DeepEqual(t, "close", c.Request.Header.Get("Connection"))
c.JSON(201, map[string]string{"hi": user})
w := ut.PerformRequest(router, "GET", "/hey/hertz", &ut.Body{bytes.NewBufferString("1"), 1},
ut.Header{"Connection", "close"})
resp := w.Result()
assert.DeepEqual(t, 201, resp.StatusCode())
assert.DeepEqual(t, "{\"hi\":\"hertz\"}", string(resp.Body()))
Work with biz handler
Assume you have a handler go file and a function called Ping()
package handler
import (
// Ping .
func Ping(ctx context.Context, c *app.RequestContext) {
c.JSON(200, utils.H{
"message": "pong",
Now you can do some unit test directly to the Ping()
package handler
import (
func TestPerformRequest(t *testing.T) {
h := server.Default()
h.GET("/ping", Ping)
w := ut.PerformRequest(h.Engine, "GET", "/ping", &ut.Body{bytes.NewBufferString("1"), 1},
ut.Header{"Connection", "close"})
resp := w.Result()
assert.DeepEqual(t, 201, resp.StatusCode())
assert.DeepEqual(t, "{\"message\":\"pong\"}", string(resp.Body()))
Every time you change the Ping()
behavior, you don’t need to copy it to test file again and again.
For more examples, refer to the unit test file in pkg/common/ut.
Last modified
July 30, 2023
: fix type error (#735) (50c91bf)